Kelowna Civic Precinct
Kelowna BC
49° 53’ 26” N 119° 29’ 42” W
The City of Kelowna initiated this broad study of the civic precinct, including the greater planning direction of downtown, as it manages unprecedented growth. The precinct area is zoned for non-profit recreational and civic uses. This includes public galleries and museums parks etc.
The study results informed the long range planning directions as well as the cities Official Community Plan.
The precinct lands were gifted to the City of Kelowna by the Simpsons family and to be used for the Public and never to be sold, in perpetuity.
With digital models supplied by the City of Kelowna, Huculiak added new content - a preforming arts centre, Kelowna Art Gallery Expansion, City Hall expansion, residential and commercial towers and a central civic plaza.
Artwork, in the form of water colour Illustrations, visually summarized the concepts as near and long term scenarios.
Design Team - Study Facilitators
UFA Urban Forum Associates,
Steve Huculiak
Illustrations / Artwork
Steve Huculiak