Okanagan Rail Trail

Coldstream to Kelowna BC

50° 09’ 26” N 119° 22’ 07” W



The Okanagan Rail Trail is the re-purposed CN/CP Rail Corridor, running north south between Coldstream and Kelowna BC., to facilitate recreational walking and biking.

Rail trail as users will enjoy the enhancements to the restored beaches waterfronts with indigenous planting, parks play areas and commercial/events built form - buildings and plazas etc.

Following is an outline rationale used for visioning a design approach informing the built form - washrooms and bike activity.

Design Rationale - Movement Environment Culture

Three focal points considered in the overarching design.

Built Form/Movement - Historically movement has been railway related - moving contents within a corridor - now it will bipedal traffic.

Environment - offers natural assets of recreation and points of interest etc.

Culture - The design will be sensitive to meaning of the rail line and it’s history with respect to Indigenous and other local communities. 

Of primary importance is the ease of which users will utilize every aspect of ORT apparatus.

Travel north south should remain in constant flow – with the built form suspended in what appears as constant motion; i.e. a rail car.

Structures resemble vehicles representing travel. Buildings; Cabanas, retail shop(s), rentals, etc. will respect context of neighborhood.

Careful arrangement of elements (bike parking, washrooms, drinks, seating etc.) will strengthen flow at sites, reinforcing this sense of travel or movement.

Identity as seen by users and the community interface will be unique, identifiable and timeless.

Built form of the ORT can be compared to online UX design - streamlining users - access to ORTs features; site views, destinations.

In effect the Built form or ORT corridor is not the feature, the location is.

Design Team

Bench Site Design, Steve Huculiak